Former President Bill Clinton Campaigns for Obama |

Clinton Stands Up for Obama |

Former President Clinton Urges Crowd to Vote Obama |

Former President Clinton Believes Obama Best for Country |
Former President Clinton Speaks for Obama |

Former President Clinton Urges Obama for President |
Former President Clinton Shakes Hands in Elko |

Former President Clinton Shook Hands with Audience in Elko at Obama Rally |
Vice Presidential Candidate, Governor Sarah Palin made her last campaign speech in Elko, Nevada
at 11:30 at night before a crowd of some 3,000
Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin Elko, NV |

Governor Palin gave her last stump speech in Elko, NV |
Governor Palin Rallies the Faithful in Elko, NV |

Dressed in jeans, Gov. Palin Calls on Voters to Support McCain/Palin Ticket |
By Lisa J. Wolf
The crowd of some 3,000 people
had waited hours, having been entertained by the Elko High School Band, and cheerleaders performing the chant "U.S.A! Palin all the way!"and having listened to such local Republican luminaries as Elko Mayor Mike Franzoia;
Senator Dean Rhoads; and Assemblymen Pete Goicoechea, and John Carpenter. A local pastor led the crowd in a prayer which ended
in the name of Jesus Christ. Finally at 11:30 p.m., Monday November 3rd the crowd, which had been assembling since 8 p.m.,
saw Governor Sarah Palin, husband Todd, and parents and in-laws take the stage.
Palin’s father, Chuck Heath said he was “just so proud to be Sarah's father," and added that “years
ago I taught her how to field dress a moose. But tomorrow I want you to watch her field dress a donkey."
Still rallying for victory, as were the cheering crowds waving pro-Palin and McCain signs, the forceful, elegant, and
vibrant woman stood surrounded by her family and adoring well-wishers. The slender bespectacled Palin, hair down and pulled
back on the sides, wore a black wool double-breasted jacket with an American flag on the lapel. Her blue jeans accentuated
her trim form and covered all but the toes of her black, high-heeled boots.
Husband Todd, with a short goatee, wore his Alaskan sledding jacket, a white plaid work shirt and a pair of jeans.
The Palins looked right at home in the mining and ranching community of Elko and indeed the enthusiastic and hopeful crowd
seemed to welcome the Palins whole-heartedly. Alaska’s ‘First-dude’ Todd Palin looked
as though he could have just gotten off a shift at the mines.
Speaking in the high school gym, Palin related that, "Todd and I and in fact our whole family, we spent a heck of a
lot of time in basketball gyms." Sarah ‘Barracuda’ Palin related,
"Victory is what we fight for. It's what we're fighting for tomorrow. And Todd and I, we both have been in positions on basketball
teams of being the underdog.” Palin related that in her senior year she co-captained the basketball team, “and
we were underdogs and we went on to win the state championships."
Palin raised the ‘Obama’s
tax plan equals socialism’ theme which has been repeated by other Republican candidates against Democrats campaigning
in the Northeastern Nevada region. Heller voiced the same alarm when he spoke in Elko last
week and applied the term to candidate Jill Derby’s economic plans.
Palin changed her chant
of “drill, baby, drill” to “mine, baby, mine” and told those assembled that those who “mine
our resources” are the “best of America.”
Palin connected with
the people in the auditorium based on faith and shared roots in hard work and the land. Whether McCain and Palin’s supporters
are a majority in this country will be revealed after the votes are counted. That there may be at least 3,000 people in Elko
who would welcome Governor Palin back, particularly as Vice President Palin, there is little doubt.
Governor Palin with 'First Dude' Todd in Elko, NV |

Governor Palin and 'First Dude' Todd were at home in Elko, Nevada with the ranchers and miners |
V.P. Candidate Gov. Sarah Palin Shares the Faith |

Sarah Palin Shared Faith and Vision with Elko, Nevada Voters |
Congressman Dean Heller debated Jill Derby for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congressman Heller retained his seat and will be serving Nevada and the United States for another term.
Congressman Dean Heller Held His Seat in the House |

Congressman Heller debated Jill Derby on Channel 10 Elko, Nevada |
Congressman Dean Heller Battled for his House Seat |

Congressman Dean Heller Prevailed for his House Seat |
By Lisa J. Wolf
Former President Bill Clinton told some
500 people at Elko’s Great Basin College
Monday October 22nd that “this election is going to go our way in a big way as long as people remember in
the next few weeks what the questions are.”
Clinton claimed people have been donating
to the Obama campaign “in unprecedented amounts” because “finally for the first time since the Republicans
have been pushing this extreme right-wing agenda for the last 30 years” Americans “got a chance to see what would
happen if they really had the opportunity” to “do what they were talking about since the late 70’s.”
Clinton noted when he was President “we
had 22.7 million new jobs” while “we’ll be lucky to finish this 8 years with 5 million;” noting “we’re
down ¾’s of a million jobs this year.” Clinton claimed during his administration “median family income after
inflation went up $7500 across all racial and regional lines in 1990” while “in this decade it’s gone down
$2000 while the cost of everything has gone through the roof.” Clinton
claimed “we moved 100 times as many people from poverty into the middle class” with “almost 8 million people
who moved from poverty” while now “6 million people have fallen back into poverty.”
Clinton argued voters need to “hire
a President who can restore the American dream” and espoused reevaluating No Child Left Behind, providing affordable
health care to every American and to “stop spending 50% more than every other country and getting less for it.”
claimed, “If we seriously organize ourselves for energy independence it will launch the greatest economic boom we have
had in this country since we mobilized for World War II and the next 8 years will be better.”
said, “We need to restore America’s
standing in the world as a major force for peace and freedom and prosperity. We need a world with more friends and fewer people
mad at us. We need to bring the troops home from Iraq
in a timely manner” and “rebuild the American military.”
claimed Obama’s plans for energy independence and health care are better and “reflect the philosophy that we’ve
been advocating forever as a party” and said “if you look at these debates you’re going to notice he knows
what he’s talking about.”
said he “can offer you one insight no one else can: that’s what it’s like to be President.”
said when Obama picked Biden as vice president “he hit that one out of the ballpark” in a decision made “even
more important because of the financial collapse.” Clinton
claimed if members of Congress had to “write down 3 names of people who know the most about the world, Joe Biden’s
name would be on every single secret ballot.”
saw “in the first 6 months of the next President’s term real opportunity for a breakthrough in peace between the
Israelis and the Palestinians” which would “take away half the argument for terrorism.”
said, “When Barack Obama places his hand on the Bible his first obligation is to America” to “figure out how more young people will be able to walk
through the doors of college and have good jobs waiting when they come out.”
In regards to the financial crisis, Clinton
said, Obama “took heat for a couple of days because he didn’t say ‘no’” to the bail-out plan
as he talked “to his own economic advisors; then he called my economic advisors, then he called me, then he talked to
Hillary.” Clinton argued, “You need a president
who wants to understand and who can understand” and who is able to “develop some consensus” even when making
an unpopular decision. When a sudden emergency arises, Clinton
said “chances are way better than 50% that what the president needs to do will not be immediately popular. That’s
what you hire Presidents to do, to figure this stuff out” and “to say to you this is what I think is right and
I am prepared to own the consequences. If I mess it up I expect you to hold me accountable and if it goes alright that’s
what you hired me to do and that’s exactly what he said.” Clinton
pointed out, “You cannot make popular decisions all the time in complicated issues.”
claimed, “Obama has a better supporting cast. A president is as good as the people who are telling him what’s
going on.”
said, “In the depression Franklin Roosevelt actually had a plan to refinance the mortgages of a million homeowners and
it made money for the country. Why? Because when the government sends a little money to the banks to rewrite the mortgages
so you can keep the mortgage payment which you’ve been paying and people stay in their homes you didn’t have a
collapse not only of the home values of the foreclosed homes but all the mortgage shops and slowly as the country recovered
the values of the homes came back and they paid the loans back and the government got paid back” and “the taxpayers
make money.” With 2 billion homes foreclosed on this year and 1.5 million last year and 2.5 million projected for foreclosure
next year, Clinton noted “when a home is foreclosed on it costs the economy about a
¼ of a million dollars” and “there are no property tax revenues going to the cities, the counties, the
school districts.”
Clinton reiterated, “You need somebody
who gets this, I mean really gets it” and argued, “Folks, we cannot risk going forward with the same failed economic
policies, ignoring the energy issue, ignoring the health care issue.” Clinton
told the audience, “I trust this guy.”

Lori Gilbert of Elko Channel 10 hosts Heller/Derby |

Heller & Derby debate on Channel 10 Elko with moderator Lori Gilbert |
Congressman Dean Heller Successfully Defends Seat |

Congressman Dean Heller Rallied the Support of NE Nevada in Elko, Nevada |